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Youth & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy

La’Met Another View is committed to providing a safe environment for youths and adults. This youth and vulnerable adults protection policy reflects our commitment and aims to ensure that all concerns about the care and protection of youth and vulnerable adults are effectively managed.

La’Met Another View is fully committed to promoting youth & vulnerable adult’s rights, notably their right to be protected from harm, abuse, and exploitation and to be involved in any decisions that directly affects them.

La’Met Another View ensures that

all staff (meaning paid and unpaid positions) understand their legal and moral obligations to protect youth and vulnerable adults from harm, abuse, and exploitation.

best practice in relation to the recruitment of all staff.

induction training, which gives an overview of the organisation's purpose, values, structure, and services opportunities is provided to all newly appointed staff (paid and unpaid)

all staff understand their responsibility to work to the standards detailed in the La’Met Another View’s code of conduct and youth and vulnerable adults protection policy and procedure.

all staff understand their obligations to report care or protection concerns about a youth or vulnerable adult, or a staff conduct towards a youth or vulnerable adult, to La’Met Another View’s designated youth or vulnerable adults protection person.

all procedures relating to the conduct of staff are implemented in a consistent and equitable manner.

the designated youth or vulnerable adult protection person understands his/her/their responsibility to refer any youth or vulnerable adult protection concern to the statutory youth or vulnerable adult protection authorities (for example, the police and / or social services).

the organisation meets all its responsibilities in adhering to the requirements of the Hague Convention on the international protection of adults and the EU policy of youth and child protection / EU Guidelines for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child.

opportunities are provided to all staff to develop their skills and knowledge particularly in relation to the care and protection of youth and vulnerable adults.

youth and vulnerable adults are enabled to express their ideas and views on a wide range of issues and have access to the organisation's complaints procedures.


La’Met Another View has a duty of care to implement effective policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of youth & vulnerable adults. In order to achieve this, we ensure our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, screened, trained, and supervised. Furthermore, we endeavour to keep up to date with national developments relating to the care and protection of youth and vulnerable adults.


La’Met Another View recognizes that appropriate recruitment and selection procedures are a vital part in developing and maintaining a safe environment for youth and vulnerable adults.

The following procedures are in place to ensure that only suitable applicants are accepted as volunteers or staff of La’Met Another View:

All applicants (staff and volunteers) will be asked to complete an application form.

All applicants (staff and volunteers) will be asked to complete a self-declaration form including personal identification (passport/residence permit).

All successful applicants (paid and unpaid positions) will be asked to provide suitable references.

All suitable applicants (paid and unpaid positions) will be asked to attend an interview.

A self-declaration form will be used so that interviewed applicants can declare and discuss any convictions (and their context) with the organisation.


All newly appointed staff at La’Met Another View will receive training, support, information, and guidance to ensure they understand their role and responsibilities with regard to youth and vulnerable adults protection.

This will include:

Details of the structure of the organisation, including the overall responsibility for youth and vulnerable adult protection within the organisation.

Details of the organisation’s aims and objectives.

An assessment of staff (paid and unpaid) training and development requirements.

Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of staff and volunteers within the organisation.

Clear details of the expectations, roles, and responsibilities of all newly appointed staff.

All staff must agree and sign up to the organisations Child Protection Policy and procedures.

Training, information, and a copy of the organisation’s Code of Conduct.

The contact details and roles and responsibilities of the organisation’s designated youth or vulnerable adults protection person.

Refresher training is provided annually to all staff.

Updated August 2023 for & on behalf of La’Met / Another View

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